It’s been a while since I have updated. So much has happened and thankfully it’s all good news!
Aug 19- We went to see her orthopedic doctor at Children’s Hospital for a checkup. There were no fractures that we missed! I said from the beginning that I was going to prove him wrong with his “I won’t be surprised to see you before your check up” comment. Although that usually would be true with an OI baby, I didn’t feel that was appropriate to say to a new mother. From the x-rays he said it looks like her legs are straightening out a little and the bone density looks a little better. Finally a happy appointment!
Lilly is about to go on her first airplane! Lilly’s Nana and I are taking her to the OI clinic at Children’s in Omaha, NE. She will get testing done on September 14 and then go to clinic on the 15. She will see several doctors, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and nutritionists. I am so happy that she is going to get proper medical attention. Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh is fantastic, one of the best in the country actually, but not for OI treatment. A hospital can’t specialize in everything even though her doctors won’t admit to that.
Aug 22- My last first day of school. Only a few more months and I’ll have my Bachelors of Nursing! There were a lot of tears shed. I just spend every day for the last 3.5 months with Lilly and now I can’t do that. I have to keep telling myself that she is with the best daycare possible. Monday, Tuesday, & Friday= Grandma & Grandpa. Wednesday & Thursday= Nana & Pap. I’m glad that Lilly is going to get to spend so much time with her grandparents. It’s also a lot less stressful to think about how a daycare would handle her.
Lilly just had her 4 month checkup and vaccines. She is 9lbs and 21.5in. Her head circumference finally made it into the “average range” so the pediatrician said that the rest of the body follows right after. My little 4lb3oz baby is growing! I was told to start her on cereal. I read a lot of info about rice cereal causing constipation so it’s not good for babies who are already constipated. I decided to start with oatmeal and she loves it and seems to tolerate it ok. They say that cereal doesn’t help babies sleep at night, I disagree. Mysteriously she slept all night and she certainly wasn’t sleeping all night before. Yes, every baby is different but it definitely made a difference with Lilly.
That’s pretty much everything for now! I will of course update about our Omaha trip. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of us and a special thank you to my professors who are giving me the time off to take Lilly to Omaha and even my friends/professors who are organizing a fundraiser to help!!! You guys are amazing and we appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Here is the link about the OI Clinic she is going to.
Coach sunglasses and an Iphone. Oh goodness, poor daddy.... |
Raising her right! |
Our Family |
a true steeler fan!! next year we will get troy to sign you.