This past Saturday I got to spend the day with someone who also has a child with special needs. It felt GREAT! I love all my mommy friends but sometimes it’s nice to talk with someone who truly knows and understands what you’re going through. I’ve realized that my baby may not qualify for the basketball team or never be able to play contact sports but that’s OK! I look at it this way- how many people get to go swimming every week with their kids and watch them have a blast in the pool and it be called “therapy”. STAY POSITIVE! That’s what I need to keep telling myself.
I’ve been on break for the past few weeks and it has been great! She isn’t sleeping past 6 but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’ve been working so hard trying to get her to crawl or say mamma but I don’t think it’s going to happen before I go back to school. She is waving hi now though! Any OI moms have suggestions on crawling- let me know!
Also, not sure if anyone remembers me talking about From Z With Love but what an amazing family! They sent us a huge care package full of things for Lilly after we found out about her OI. The Mendez family welcomed Zayana Grace into the world on December 23 of last year. They only got to spend 16 weeks with their little girl. Since her passing, they send care packages to new OI families of some of Z’s favorite things. On December 23 of this year, they delivered a cartload of items to the hospital that Z was in. Here was the news story on them: From Z With Love It’s a shame that more people in the world aren’t like that!
Well that’s the latest on us! I must go wake Lilly from her nap otherwise she’ll wake me at 5am!